L1 Network

We believe in augmenting human intelligence, not replacing it.
With good data and the right technology, people and institutions today can still solve hard problems and change the world for the better.

We’re engineers, not academics. Whatever their role, each member combines an uncompromising engineering mindset with an unwavering focus on executing in service of the mission.

We are on a mission. We seek out the most critical problems we can find—the ones that pose threats not only to many of the world’s most important institutions, but to the people they serve as well.

Our different teams help institutions in their AI transformation, communications outreach, collaborative investigation, threat analysis, financial compliance, insider threat, and strategic intelligence.

We are working to build a future in which public institutions, commercial enterprises, and non-profit organisations can use data and AI to function as they were designed—to fulfil the mandates with which they’ve been entrusted, to deliver value to customers, and to distribute aid to those most in need.

business@l1.ltd | apply@l1.ltd | media@l1.ltd